Game Main Class
An annotation used to find the main class of the game. The main method should be identified using its jvm method descriptor without the type of the return value. And you should make sure the main method return an int as the process's exit number and it must be static.
Simple illustration:
The basic data type and "void" (void return type) are represented by a single letter in upper case, and what is used to describe the type of object instance, is the full-qualified class name of its class.
The full-qualified name is composed by the package path and the class name, using '\' as the separator among different names, and it must end with a ';'.
The representations of basic data type and void type: B-byte/Byte, C-char/Char, D-double/Double, I-int/Int, J-long/Long, S-short/Short, Z-boolean,Boolean, V-void/Unit
For array instance, it uses a proposed '[' to represent a dimension. To illustrate, int[] can be parsed to [int, and String[][] is [[Ljava/lang/String; .
The method descriptor used in this annotation consists of the full-qualified name of the class to which the method belongs, the method name, and the parameter list in the form of a descriptor, separated by dot, and the parameter list is enclosed in parentheses, and because we do not care about the type of the return value, only require the return of an int type, there is no descriptor for the return value. (这个注解所使用的方法描述符由该方法所属类的全限定名、方法名称和描述符形式的参数列表组成,前两者中间使用dot隔开,并且参数列表使用括号括起来。 同时因为我们不关心返回值的类型,只要求返回一个int类型,所以没有返回值的描述符。他妈的什么长难句翻译,跟汉弗莱似的)
And if the static method belongs to the class which annotated with this, you can ignore the class name part, just use the method name and its arguments simply.
Some examples:
the method descriptor of java.lang.String::contains(CharSequence) is Ljava/lang/String.contains(Ljava/langCharSequence/;)
the method descriptor of java.lang.String::replace(char oldChar, char newChar) is Ljava/lang/String.replace(CC)
the jvm method descriptor of the main method.
identify whether the method has public access.